Can you make money through Buying Bank nifty Options ?

 Can you make money through Buying Bank nifty Options ?

Is it strange naa ?

People says you can't make money through options buying in Bank nifty its a gambling or may be its a slow poison ,Well at some point of time I was thinking same, I have also burned my hand in it even at some point of time I was given up on this so this is end of story ?

Obviously not it's a beginning of new journey because I have understood one thing I am incurring loss not because its option but I am incurring loss because of my weak trading setup.

Therefore I have improvised my trade setup in bank nifty which is totally based on the chart & some understanding of Bank nifty options premium.

So if yours chart setup is strong then you can also make money in Bank nifty options buying now why I am only insisting in Bank nifty options buying because bank nifty is crazy ride it can double your money if you are a skillful mariner.

Yes I am not doing any Bol Vachan :p

 I have converted my 10k Capital into 40k .If I can why not you? 

Caution : Please do not jump into Bank nifty Options without proper analysis.

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